Sunday, April 20, 2008

Taking Back Your Life: The Kids Are Grown Now

So, you're parent and you have finally reached the stage of your life where your kids are all grown up. They are either going to college, in college, or at home with mom adults who just got out of college. They no longer need your guidance, instruction, and daily parenting on a regular basis. Your job is done. So, WHAT NOW!

Your new life begins today. The only problem is that you either feel guilty about retiring some of your parenting duties, or someone in your life is making you feel bad about taking the pacifier out of your kids mouths. I have one piece of advice to give. IGNORE THE HATERS. You have done your job. If your young adult makes mistakes in life, at this point, it is their responsibility. Now, there are cases where parents are definitely still needed in helping to build structure in young adults. Advice can be offered to your young adults at that point, but their decisions become learning experiences for them. You don't want them to make any of the same mistakes that you made as a young adult, but sometimes you have to live and learn. That is life.

So, it is now time for you to detach the umbilical cord, and live! What do you plan on doing with your new free time? You have a new lease on life. No more games, no more parent-teacher meetings, no more track meets, no more practices, and no more pre-planned weekends (planned by the kids).

Here are a few suggestions to handling your new born freedom:

1. Go on your 1st vacation without you offspring(s).
2. Make every weekend count. Go to the park, a movie, shopping for yourself only, or just sit back and enjoy the quiet and comfort of an empty home.
3. Spoil yourself.
4. Become a little selfish.
5. Sleep.
6. Start a savings account, or build on your current investments.
7. Get your tubes tied (if you haven't already done so).
8. Do the things you've avoided for years because of your obligation as a parent.
9. Rejuvenate your relationship with your spouse or significant other.

Congratulations on reaching this new chapter in your life! Now enjoy yourself. Book a trip and celebrate. You earned it.

Picture from

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