Friday, April 25, 2008

The Dating Chronicles of Cheré (Ch.1): Is It Me?

My life has certainly been interesting. I have experienced several things, enjoyed life, and hit many curve balls that life has thrown at me. However, I can still say that the most compelling part of my life recently has been my dating experiences.

I often wonder what I have done so wrong as to deserve some of the characters that I have encountered over the span of my dating years. Surprisingly, each bad experience is topped by another more interesting and disappointing experience. Some say that when you repeatedly meet and date individuals who are incompatible with you it says something about your character and your judgement of character. Others say that if you attract people who are not good for you, deep inside that may be a desire of yours. In other words, you might like the bad boys. There also are a few who say that location is the key. Undesirable males seem to gravitate into the same areas at times.

At first I considered all of these suggestions as to why my Mr. Right has been incognito for all of my life. Where is he and what is taking him so long to find me? Is he having trouble finding me because I am making so many bad choices in my dating options. I've decided that the answer is no. The time that I have spent dating has been a learning lesson for me. I was a novice dater for years, learning the ropes on how to date. When do you play games? When do you become serious? When do you share your emotions? When do you start to care about the individual? These are all questions that I had to learn how to answer and master.

Well guess what...there is no mastering dating. Everyone is unique. Men and women each have characteristics within there respective genders that make them similar within their gender groups. However, you cannot typecast someone because of their gender. All men are not dogs. All women are not saints. There are good and bad people within both genders. So, basing a new relationship on past experiences is a big mistake. Yes, you have to learn from the past, but don't ponder on it. Learn and move forward. That is why I don't mind going through the experiences I have gone through. I have learned from each individual whom I've dated. They taught me what I do and don't want in a man, and they have shown me how unique people can be.

I have no regrets with my past dating experiences, because they have helped me to grow and develop into a seasoned dater and a narrator of foolishness. Yes, narrator. I now have the opportunity of sharing the hilarious date stories that I have experienced first hand.

One important thing I've learned from these experiences is that being upfront and honest is not a problem. Why go into dating with games? It makes no sense to constantly time when you call, avoid, or open up to an individual. Just be yourself. If you start off playing games in dating, that is how your relationship will one big game. To me, playing games is equivalent to lying, because your are not representing your true self during the games. Honesty should be the backbone of any relationship. So, if you start off lying then guess what...lies will end up being the foundation of your relationship. Just be real. DO YOU!

Over the next few weeks, I will share a few stories of the comic and almost surreal situations that have occurred in my dating life. Some will life, some will cry (from laughing so hard), and others will be in disbelief that the dating game is so crazy these days. So, look out for "The Chronicles of Cheré," my real-life stories of dating mayhem.

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