Monday, April 28, 2008

The Dating Chronicles of Cheré (Ch.5): Mr. No Neck

You would think I had learned my lesson, but I didn't. I let another friend hook me up with a guy 3 years later. Why me? Why?

I spoke to the guy a few times on the phone. He seemed okay so I did not mind the blind date. We agreed to meet for a movie. When I got to the theater, I looked around and waited for the guy who was supposed to sweep me off of my feet. However, I was still worried that the blind date would be unsuccessful and depressing.

I was right. The guy approached me, and all I could think was "where is his neck?" I mean for real, unless you are a state trooper on South Park or Smokey and the Bandit, you should have a neck. So, from that point I maintained my distance. One thing I have learned is that if you are not attracted to a person, there is NO point in faking it or pursuing something that will not work. Yes, personality is important in a relationship but let's be real. In most instances, the first thing that attracts you to a person is their appearance.

Now, I'm not saying that people who aren't 100% attracted to each other can't have a successful relationship. They can. I've seen it happen. I have seen socially attractive people marry people who are considered to be at the bottom of the totem pole for looks. So, love is much more than looks. But, what makes your boat float? What are you attracted to? Some people may just want an intellectual person, a religious individual, or just a very beautiful person on the inside and out. Others strictly go by looks.

For this situation, lets be real. I was in college. I was new to the dating scene, and I wanted someone who I was physically attracted to. Well, Mr. No Neck was not it. Once the movie ended, that was the last time I saw or spoke to Mr. No Neck. The lesson from this story is, if you know that your are not attracted to someone (unless you had a strong intellectual or spiritual attraction to this person) don't waste your time or settle. There are more fish in the sea.

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