Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Dating Chronicles of Cheré (Ch.7): Mr. Hustle No Flow

Men come in all shapes, sizes, and levels. I try to date all types in order to be fair, but I think I went to far this time. I met Mr. Hustle No Flow at his job as a stocker at Wal-Mart. As a disclaimer, I know people who work there and have no problem with them. Wal-Mart employment is not the problem here. The problem in this story is that he was an aspiring rapper.

I enjoy rap music, and I like artists who are serious about there work. People who just rap at a party with there boys to a Jay-Z hit or T.I. single are not rappers in my world. They are rap lovers. Well, this guy appeared to be neither.

The first problem was how he approached me. "Hey Miss Lady, why don't you come over and holla at me." At first I said no because my name is not "Miss Lady", but after he kept asking I went ahead and spoke to him for a few minutes. THAT WAS MY FAULT. I accidentally initiated what I now call "foolishness in the making". I kept saying to myself, do not judge a book by its cover. Give him a chance. He just seemed a little childish, and I should've stuck with that first impression.

I didn't. Instead, I went out with him. Well, for the first and last date he called to inform me that his car was messed up and that he needed me to pick him up. Okay, I'll be nice and do this, plus in a way I wanted to test my theory on first impressions begin correct. I picked him up and transported him around on our date, and then I dropped him off at what I thought was his home. The date was okay, and afterwards we talked about his rapping career for a little while. I still remained nice and continued on with not judging him. (Also, I found out that he was 4 years younger than me and still growing.).

So, two days later I spoke to him. His car was still not working and he needed a ride home. I picked him up and took him to a "different" home. This place was his actual home. So...where did I drop him off the first time. Hmmmm???? Something sounds fishy here, but don't judge. This may make a good story one day...and it does. So we went to his place to chill for a second. He wanted to show me around, but when we walked in only one area had furniture. He had candles every where but no matches or lighters, and we used boxes as chairs. The worst part came when he asked me to use my cell phone as a light. Humphhh....the foolishness manifests into craziness and mayhem. Did you really just ask me to use my phone as a lamp? WHY ME???

Here's the kicker. I told him that I would be leaving now because this was ridiculous. He got a little mad and asked me to take him to his third home..."his baby's mama's house".

Thankfully, I didn't see Mr. Hustle No Flow again. I must admit that it was nice having a younger guy hit on me, and I am thankful for the story.


Anonymous said...

Great Story! Love the blog

Anonymous said...

Wow...you date some interesting people to say the least.

Anonymous said...

Ok, no more rappers, "beat makers", or producers they are all the same..,..broke! STL is full of them!