Monday, April 28, 2008

The Dating Chronicles of Cheré (Ch.4): My Funny Valentine

I don't have many memorable Valentine's Days, but the ones that I do remember are just pitiful. Oddly, I still like the holiday but it has not been good to me.

The one I remember the most was from when I was in high school. One of my friends wanted to hook me up with her boyfriend's best friend. At first I was apprehensive, but I went ahead and let her set me up with him. What a great mistake that was!

The first time I spoke to him I was very nervous. Not only was this blind dating, but I had to rely on his conversation in order to judge his character initially. He was a good guy...great conversationalist. I was concerned about him though, because it seemed like each time I spoke to him he had just been in an accident. One time he had even taken his car to the shop to get it repaired and got in an accident leaving the shop. So, I duly noted that riding with him was not an option.

Well, things progressed over a month, yet I had not met him (strict parents). We finally went out on a date. I was so excited to meet him, but found that I was not attracted to him at all. He did have a good personality, so I did not judge him based on looks. We continued to talk for a few months. Things were getting comfortable. At this time, Valentine's Day was quickly approaching. The friendship/relationship began to progress, and I began to wonder how the day of love would go for me.

He did all of the right things. He called me early to wish me a Happy Valentine's Day. We talked several times throughout the day, until I got out of school. He then came to my parents' house to give me my card and gift. Everything was perfect. Then he politely informed me that he and his ex-girlfriend had started back dating and that she might be pregnant. Great! Is this really happening on Valentine's Day? Could you have waited until tomorrow or just done this yesterday? Why ruin VALENTINE'S DAY?

That is when I realized that Valentine's Day sucks. Well, it doesn't suck but it is not kind to the single and broken-hearted. The worst part of the story is that I was giving him a chance because I was not attracted to him in any way. I was trying not to be vain, but in the end I got duped. That would be the last time that someone got the best of me in that way.

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