Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Dating Chronicles of Cheré (Ch.2): So You Hate Your Mother

Just imagine walking into a home filled with stuffed animals. Every larger animal has it's own chair, and if one is moved there is a weird silence because you have moved the "stuffed" animal from it's seat.

Well, this is what I faced one of my dates with Officer Crazy. Now, I'm not saying that all police officers are crazy...just this one. Officer Crazy was very nice and mannerable during the beginning of our dating experience. He had much promise, until I visited him at the home that he shared with his mothered.

The first problem occurred when I walked into the house, saw the stuffed animals, and he started talking to them. Yes, he talking to each of them while using their names. A grown man, may I add.

The second problem started when he explained to me how much he enjoyed killing outdoor rodents (squirrels, possums, etc) because he knew some great recipes. Oh, really? [Note to not eat in this house].

The final problem started when his mom called for him. All I can say is that I have never heard a man cuss at his mother in the manner in which he cussed at his. He first yelled at her for speaking to him while I was there. He then commenced to cussing at her and calling her names. The nail that broke the camels back was when he threatened to take her cane from her so that she would not be able to get around the house.

CRAZY! All craziness. Luckily, I left the house alive and never returned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! That can not EVEN be true! Not take her cane....her cane?
Police Officers are CRAZY. And if you haven't seen him act off the handle crazy then it is supressed. Wow, talking to stuffed animals. RUN and don't look back.