Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Dating Chronicles of Cheré (Ch.9): Time Waits for No One?

Patience is a virtue, and it is one that I definitely have. I went to a restaurant one day to kill some time while I was waiting for my car to get repaired. Never would I have thought that this would be the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

One of my friends and I chose this particular restaurant because it was close to the car shop and it seemed to be very nice from the outside. It was even more beautiful inside. Once we were seated, out waitor began to help us with all of our restaurant needs. The service was good, the atomosphere was nice, and the waitor at the next table was flirting with me quite openly.

He started by coming by to check on us even though it wasn't his table. Each time he came by, he rested his hand on my shoulder and back. He then said something to our waitor in private, which I'm assuming was him giving our waitor the heads up that he liked me. Well, this flirting continued during the entire meal. I'm gonna be real right now. Don't bother me while I'm eating. I am paying for this food and want to enjoy it. By the time he got done hanging out at the table, I couldn't even remember what I had to eat. Great.

Once I was done with my meal and my friend was on her phone, he gathered the confidence to ask for my number and ask me out. I figured, why not. I'm single. I have some free time, and this may give me another funny story to tell. I didn't know how great the story would be until later the next week.

Things went well at first. He called me a few times...not too much. We had decent conversations...not too long. We set a date for our first date. This is when things fell apart. I went to the location of our date and waited for him. He called to let me know he was running late. He was sorry, but he wasn't off of work yet.

WAIT A MINUTE. You are at work. Why did you schedule this date if you had to work? This made no sense to me at all. The place we were meeting at was a Latin club. So, I was able to enjoy the view of the dance floor while waiting for him. As time passed I got worried and my cell phone was beginning to die. I was getting irritated and this was just plain embarassing.

He then called to let me know an hour later that he was still at work. At this point I could leave because I had just finished a drink. I informed him that I would be there for another hour and a half. So, an hour later he called letting me know that he was outside of the club but he left his ID at work. The is just wonderful. Not only are you 2 hours late but you also don't have yourself together. Did I go outside to meet him since he couldn't get in...NO! It was not my fault that he was 2 hours late and ill prepared. I did not want to see him at that point.

I spoke to him once after that, and he wanted to see me badly. Badly would mean that you plan for a date on your off night or inform me in advance that you have to work before the date. I'm an understanding woman. But to have me go to the club and wait. That is not good. Classic foolishness!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not a very wise man. If I really liked someone I would plan accordingly so nothing could interfere with our time together. Hopefully he learned a valuable lesson.