Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Gas Price Tips: Don't Let it Fall Below the Halfway Mark

Gas prices are outlandish these days, and it's really hard to save money while giving it all away at the pump. Well, there are a few things that you can do to make the money last longer, but it may take a little while to see change.

I for one have limited options on conserving gas, but I try my best to save here and there when I can. Here are a few that help me and my
friends out with the rising gas prices:

1. Carpool once or twice a week. Find out if any of your colleagueslive near you and set up a carpool. (Make sure the people in your carpool are tolerable. There is nothing worst that riding with an annoying person to work every day.)

2. Purchase a gas giftcard each pay day or once a month. QuikTrip (QT) Gas Stations sell gift cards and they can be used at the pump. By using a giftcard, you can better regulate and pay attention to how much you spend on gas each week. Once you have run out of money on the card, you have an opportunity to review how much you have driven over the week and determine if you need to minimize travel.

3. Plan before driving. Many of us have errand days that we pick to handle everything we need to do that day. Map what you're going to do. Do not leave the house until you have a plan, because you might end up aimlessly driving back and forth to places when you could have gone a route that would take you in one direction rather than 10.

4. Find an alternate, quicker route to work that has minimal traffic lights and traffic.

5. Slow down. Change your driving habits, by going slower speeds. The faster you go the quicker you burn out gas.

6. Don't let it fall below the halfway mark. Once your gas hand falls below the halfway mark, it costs more to fill up your tank. I don't know if it's some type of conspiracy that the oil companies and car manufacturers have, but I've noticed that it takes more money to get the gas hand to the halfway mark than it does to keep it over the halfway mark. Weeks that I keep my tank over that mark, I spend a little less filling up. Try it out. It may work for you.

7. Keep up with your oil changes. Maintaining a healthy engine and healthy car can help you to save in the long run on gas and maintenance.

8. Catch the bus. Public transportation is much cheaper than personally paying at the pump.

9. Move closer to your main destinations if you are flexible with where your.

10. Go Green. Purchase a hybrid car. The cars are more expensive but save you more in the long haul.

11. Ride a bicycle, moped or motorcycle when the weather permits.

12. Walk. If you live close to everything you do then walk. It's good for your health and it costs you nothing but time.

Let's save our dollars while saving the environment!

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