Monday, April 28, 2008

The Dating Chronicles of Cheré (Ch.3): Pistol Flasher

So, I try my best not to typecast a profession (specifically law enforcement). For many years, people have told me that people in law enforcement can be a little crazy. I don't believe that is true in all cases...but I can see where that assumption could come from at times.

In being a nice individual, I gave officers another chance. This time, I went for another branch of law enforcement. Sheriff Pistol Flasher was a very nice individual at first. He was a little overly confident (arrogant), but it was becoming for him. He was about 10 years older than me and somewhat established. He had his own place, car, and money. He also had one child, and he told me that he saw the child frequently. Great!

Now the problems begin. He began to show how bossy and demanding he really was after the first few dates. He tried to keep me in my place a few times, then I began to see how serious he was about being a sheriff. I understand that when people know you are a sheriff or police officer, you have to begin carrying your "piece" on you at all times because people will sometimes try to attack law enforcement when they are off duty. So, maintaining safety is important.

HOWEVER, holding a gun in your hand as you escort me back and forth places is not necessary. He wasn't holding the gun to me, but he felt that he had to hold it out so that people would know he had it. Really! So, it is really necessary to walk around with a gun in your hand like you're in a Western movie? I don't think so. Well, that was the last time I saw him for two reasons. Walking around with a man with a gun in his hand scares me a little, and walking around with a crazy man who is constantly holding a gun scares me a lot.

Stand tuned for more stories of foolishness.

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