Tuesday, April 15, 2008

What Have You Done for "Me" Lately?

Tax day is almost at a close. The month of April is already at it's midway point. And you have little to no me time as it is to enjoy this wonderful year. Well, what are you gonna do about it? What have you done about it? Get up and go or sit back and relax.

Doing for "Me" can seem like the hardest thing in the world, but it's really not. All you have to do is take the time everyday to do little things to make yourself happy, and this will result in the long term benefits. You will be happier, less-stressed, and more eager to enjoy every moment of life.

Here are a few suggestions of what you can do for "Me":

1. Take yourself to a movie.
2. Go buy yourself a new pair of shoes or that purse you've been craving.
3. Get your favorite frappuccino at Starbucks, then sit back and enjoy it.
4. Go play a round of golf.
5. Sleep!
6. Read a book.
7. Go for a walk. It's spring, so enjoy the sun, flowers, trees...
8. If you have allergies, sit by a window and enjoy nature's scenary.
9. Visit a spa. Many spas offer reasonable packages and services for those on a budget.
10. Go dancing.

Do whatever it is that makes you happy! Once you know what makes your happy treat yourself to your gift of "Me" everyday. You can change up what you do on a daily basis. Sometimes, I find just sitting by a window and watching the birds play near the bird feeder relaxing. Other times I enjoy watching my favorite movie, so that I can laugh the night away.

If you just can't find the time everyday to enjoy yourself, treat yourself to at least one day of "Me" time per week. Life is too short to waste on stress, depression, regrets, and work only. Take every moment for what it's worth. Once you're done reading this, you should go get ready for a stroll through the park...or just sit back, relax, and meditate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you have allergies sit by the window...LOL That's me. Cause I was thinking when I got to take a walk...Oh no not the kid all them flowers shooting out pollen and what not.... LOL!