Sunday, April 13, 2008

A Guide to Budget Traveling: Travel as a Student and Broke Adult is Possible

You’re sitting in your room studying for an exam, tired, restless, and in need of some relaxation. I bet you’re thinking, “How did I get here?” You’re in college, classes have gotten the best of you, and you have been on edge for weeks now. Aside from all of the partying you have done over the past few months, you need a break from studies. So, you’ve now realized that you’re well overdue for a vacation, but needing a break isn’t the biggest part of your problems.

Even if you wanted a vacation, you have a college student budget. What do you do with the funds you currently have available? What can you do with the funds you don’t have available? Well, there are options. You can spend some time on the beach, in the mountains, or on foreign soil.

Rest assured, there are options for the budget traveler. Students and broke adults can now enjoy the luxury of last-minute vacations to destination locations. From motorcycle rides through the city to long days on the beach to a tour of London, low budget style anyone can enjoy a discount, mini vacation with minimal funds.

Let’s start with searching for the right ticket that fits your budget. Is your destination feasible for your pocket? You might find the perfect plane ticket to the perfect location, but can you afford the hotels, food, and transportation in that location? These are all things that the budget traveler must consider. When I was in college, I had the opportunity of traveling within the United States on a regular basis. Most of my trips entailed me visiting friends who attended colleges throughout the US. I traveled on a very low budget and usually in my reliable small car.

Who can you stay with to minimize the cost of room and board? Travel places where friends and family are close. If driving, how much gas money do you have available? You have to eat, so what is your food budget. Though it is easy to forget to eat on vacation, it is not realistic to think you will not need food. The price of food can vary from destination to destination.

You never know what last minute plans may happen and you never know what emergencies may occur. What if the tire goes flat and you have no spare? What if the car totally breaks down and you need a tow truck? What if you get injured during a freak accident? Planning is important, especially for the unexpected.

But let’s be real…you’re a college student. You don’t have to plan. That is part of the fun and joy of being a college student. Have fun. Enjoy life. Take a risk. But use some common sense. Keep a little extra money on the side in your travel budget for the unexpected. Life is not like a movie. You will not end up meeting someone who just happened to be at a restaurant or bar that you were at who is willing to just hand you thousands of dollars for being you. Think this through and enjoy yourself.


1. What is your personal budget? After taking care of personal bills, do you have anything left?
2. What is your travel budget? How much do you have available for this trip, which will allow you to still have money when you come home?
3. How will you travel? Plane, train, bus, car, boat….
4. What are your destination options? Domestic or international locations? Exotic or traditional?
5. What is the purpose of your travel? Relaxation, fun, or a little of both?
6. Where will you stay? Hotel, with friends, on a resort, in a bed and breakfast?
7. Would you like to see the sights or just relax?
8. How long will your trip be? Weekend or week long?


1. Be aware of exchange rates for international travel.
2. Be careful of your surroundings during travel.
3. American Express is your friend. The company usually has pretty good prices on exchange rates and traveler’s checks. If this is a last minute travel plan, you can visit an American Express store for currency and traveler’s checks. If you would like one on one contact with American Express travel agents, contact numbers are as follows:
Inside the U.S. call 1-800-297-2977
From outside the U.S. call 1-210-582-2716
*For those of you who have AAA, traveler’s checks issued by AAA are free and are available in all AAA branches. So there are always options.
4. When making travel arrangements, go through travel agencies that offer college and university student discounts, such as Student Universe and Euro Railways.
5. Also, be aware of student discounts available at everyday businesses. Savings on shopping needs can mean more money in your travel budget.

Picking the Right Destination

I am sure Cancun and South Beach are desirable for most Spring Breakers and summer travelers, but let’s be realistic here. How often can you really go to Cancun without wondering if there is some other place that is just as exciting? There are several destinations that are affordable, fun, and reasonable. Today's suggested travel destination is Montega Bay, Jamaica.

Montego Bay, Jamaica
Why Montego Bay instead of the many other destinations in Jamaica? For starters, Montego Bay is the easiest location to get to. Typically, travelers fly into Montego Bay and have to take a bus or helicopter to desired destinations on the island. So, staying on Montego Bay would automatically cut part of the travel costs. Also, there are several touristy venues and places on Montego Bay that allow the traveler many options once on the island. Another benefit is the hotel specials because Montego Bay is so heavily traveled.

Montego Bay is beautiful and has much to offer to the first time visitor. For more details on what Montego Bay has to offer, visit the Yahoo Travel Guide and As a budget traveler, I will tell you that it is cheaper to piece together trips at times, so you do not necessarily have to get trapped by a vacation package or resort. Jamaica has several hotels available for lodging, but you will have to pay for food and drinks separately. Please be aware of the native food. If you do not choose a package from a resort, you will have to fen for yourself. Just make sure you eat at establishments that look sanitary, and do not go too far outside of your element. When you do this, you open yourself for stomach issues, and that is not fun.

Whether it is Montego Bay, Daytona Beach, a friend's house in the country or travel to the next town over, it is important to just get away. One day away could give you the relaxation you need. So, broke adults and students, don't let your budget stop you from enjoying life!

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