Saturday, April 19, 2008

Living a Long Life: It's Still Possible!

I ran across an interesting article today that helped me to get an understanding of a question I have had for years. How do people live to be 100+ years old these days and where is their fountain of youth? On Sunday, April 20, 2008, a woman from Shelbyville, Indiana will turn 115 years old. WOW!

How did she do it? How do people make it to 100? The article by Rick Callahan entitled "At 115, Woman Defies Incredible Odds", Callahan offers findings from a study that was taken on the elite class of individuals who make it to the great age of 100.

The findings were quite simple. People who make it to 100 have the following 3 similarities that are considered the secrets to a long life:

1. Genetics
2. Environmental factors
3. Good management of stressful events

Scientists have found genetic mutations in the centenarians that may be a factor in slowing down the aging process or increasing resistance to age-related diseases and illnesses.

Many of these individuals have good health habits. The oldest woman, Edna Parker, lived on a farm most of her life and it is assumed that she lived a healthier life than many of us do. For starters, living on a farm automatically give you a better air quality. Living in urban, more populated areas can have an impact on your health over time. Many of my great grandparents lived well into their 90s, and they all lived in rural areas, "the country". So, there had to be something with their environments that helped with the longevity of their lives.

As for stress management, these individuals do not seem to dwell on stressful situations like many of us do. In a previous article I wrote, I mentioned that my older relatives dealt with so many adverse situations in the early 1900s, yet they were able to still live long, full lives. Well, now I better understand why. Stress management, as shown in Callahan's article, is the key. We all have stressful situations that we must tackle throughout life, but how we handle stress when those events occur is important.

Let's all live a long life. Cherish every moment of your life, and don't let the little or big things get to you. We all go through situations in life that may be challenging, but let those situations make you a better you. Don't let them get the best of you. Like the saying goes, "Live, Love, Laugh".

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