Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Face Value

First impressions are lasting impressions.
I used to think that you have to give people a few chances to warm up to you before you determine their character, personality, and flaws. Over the years, I have begun to learn that my original views are not true. The genuine essence of a person is revealed when you first meet that person. Some people are nervous when meeting new individuals, others are charismatic. Regardless of the case, most people give you general indicators of their overall character.

For instance, every guy that I have met or dated has said something that has given some indication of their character. Even at work, when I first meet hiring managers, bosses, or colleagues, they give some indication of what type of person they are from the start. First impressions are not always given through speech. Actions speak louder than words. People can give you a look, a glance, a reaction, or even a sound that shows how they are as an individual. That is why it is important to trust your instincts.

This has been an interesting topic for me lately, because I have encountered so many people in the past who I have given countless chances to be good friends and acquaintances. My problem has been that I love to have friends and enjoy the attention of friends. My lesson is that the more people you have in your life who do not truly care about you and who do not have good morale beliefs along with a positive aura, the more you will have confusion and unease in your life. These people bring stress into your life, because they constantly disappoint you by their actions and unreasonable expectations.

My advice is to watch who you let enter your life. If a person is charismatic and seems to be fun and adventurous, do not use that as the only qualification for allowing that person into your life fully. Choose your friends wisely. Choose them like you choose your car or your home. You want a car that is dependable, reliable, and fun. You don't want a car or home that constantly needs repairs, is financially and emotionally draining, and causes you to question your decision on a regular basis. You want something solid like a foundation. Pick friends that compliment your values and your inner-most spirit. After all, your choice in friends is a reflection of who you are as a person.


Unknown said...
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airport shuttle southeast georgia said...

I have only one best friend I met in kindergarten. We've remained close after 32 years.